While talking to a friend of mine, he told me he was searching for a good chicken marinade. Boneless and skinless chicken breasts don't have much flavor or moisture on their own. The reason for this is because the skin and bones have been removed. The skin, which contains the fat, keeps the chicken moist. Just like any piece of meat, cooking it on the bone adds flavor! I always encourage you to cook the meat on the bone whenever possible. I know that pre fabricated store bought boneless and skinless chicken breasts are an ideal choice because they are time savers. Plus people see them as a healthy way of eating. The next time you're at a supermarket, take a look at the price you pay for boneless skinless breasts compared to breasts with the rib bones still attached. Or better yet, look at the difference between buying a whole chicken and the completely fabricated boneless skinless breasts. You can get whole chickens for $0.99/lb whereas boneless skinless chicken breasts cost $3.99/lb. If you buy whole chickens you can utilize everything. With a little practice and a boning knife, you can easily break down the chicken into boneless skinless breasts, legs and the carcass. The carcass can be frozen and used for chicken stock, and the legs can be grilled or roasted. I will touch on the art of fabricating poultry in another post. That being said, on to a good marinade that I like for chicken breasts.
1 bunch fresh parsley, chopped
2 oranges, zested and juiced
2 lemons, zested and juiced
1 cup vegetable oil
2 jalapeno chilies, chopped
6 garlic cloves, chopped
1 piece of ginger, peeled and chopped
Combine all ingredients in a bowl, mixing well. Either move to large deep dish or pour into a zip lock bag. Place the chicken breasts into the chosen dish or bag. Make sure you cover the chicken completely. Marinate the chicken for 4-6 hours in your refrigerator. Over marinating will cause the acid to start to "cook" the proteins in the chicken. Remove from the marinade and place right onto a hot grill. If want, you can use the marinating liquid to baste the chicken while grilling.
Marinade options are endless. Chicken is a good neutral canvas that takes well to every flavor profile. Here are some general tips for creating your marinades
- Use fresh herbs whenever possible
- Watch the sugar content in your marinade, the reason is because when you grill your chicken, the sugar will burn leaving a bitter taste
- To intensify the flavor of the marinade, reduce the amount of oil and increase the amount of acid and flavoring components
- Watch the amount of time you marinade the chicken for. Too short a time won't allow the chicken to hold the flavor. Too long a time period will end up with a mushy par cooked product due to the acid cooking the proteins
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